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Please complete our online rental application. We will respond promptly. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest!

* Required fields

NOTE:   Please review the Resident Application Selection Criteria below. Your e-signature in the "Rental Application" section above indicates that you have read the and agree to all terms expressed in the Resident Application Selection Criteria below. 

Newmark Moses Tucker Partners Resident Application Selection Criteria




1. Applicant must be a minimum of 18 years of age or an emancipated minor in order toenter into a Lease Agreement.

2. All unmarried applicants must complete a separate Rental Application.

3. Proof of identification of all applicants is required.

4. The gross household income must be a minimum of 3 times the rent amount per month,except when the household has verifiable assets meeting the minimum income requirement.

5. A credit report will be obtained from Yardi Resident Screening. All trade lines active within the previous 24 months will be considered. A minimum of 65%of all trade lines considered must be current at the time of the report, and there may not be unpaid financial obligations in excess of $500. Medical expenses will be excluded from the credit evaluation.

6. Residential history will be verified for the previous 2 years. No more than two (2) late payments within twelve (12) months will be allowed.

7. A criminal background check will be conducted using information from the criminal records system of local law enforcement, the state of Arkansas and National Crime Information Center.

8. Security deposit funds will not be reimbursed after 72 hours of payment.




1. Incomplete or falsified information provided on the application;

2. Failure to meet minimum income requirements;

3. A history of violence to person(s) or property within the past five (5) years;

4. A history of nonpayment of rent or eviction within the past two (2) years;

5. Failure to meet minimum credit requirements as defined above;

6. A history of lease violations such as disturbing neighbors, destruction of property, or living or housekeeping habits that adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of other  residents;

7. A history of criminal activity, including misdemeanor convictions, involving crimes of physical violence to persons or property. This includes acts which adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of themselves, others, or which adversely affect the viability of the apartment community;

8. A history of the sale, use, or possession of illegal substances;

9. Any felony conviction within the past ten (10) years.




Number of Bedrooms         Maximum Number of Occupants

1                                          2  

2                                          4

3                                          6




Applicant is hereby notified that Newmar Moses Tucker Partners, its agents and employees are representatives of only the owners of Newmark Moses Tucker Partners Rental properties. There is no implied fiduciary relationship between Newmark Moses Tucker Partners, its agents or employees and the Applicant.


Newmark Moses Tucker Partners., its agents and employees conduct business in accordance to FederalFair Housing Law. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.


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